CMA Key Laboratory of Atmospheric Sounding

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Observation Equipment

Technology and Equipment of Surface Meteorological Observation Research Team

Research Overview

This research is focused on the theory and method of Surface Meteorological Observation, analysis of data and research on equipment of Surface Meteorological Observation.

Research Interests

▪ Methods of Meteorological Observation

a. Raindrop spectra and precipitation observation

b. Sunshine duration observation

c. Cloud, visibility and weather phenomenon observation

d. Solid-state precipitation observation

e. Calibration of ultrasound wind

▪ Development of Surface Meteorological Observation equipment

a. Intelligent sensors

b. High precision sensors

c. Acquisition system of meteorological observation data

▪ Research of applications on comprehensive meteorological observation

a. Quality control method

b. Integrated processing

▪ Research of weather modification

a. Methods of weather modification

b. Monitoring system of weather modification


Prof. Ma Shangchang

Prof. Fan Changyuan

A.P. Lu Huiguo

A.P. Wang Fuzeng

A.P. Yang Bifeng

Lecturer ZhanYanjun

Lecturer ZhangSujuan

Lecturer HuShibing

T.A. ChenQingqing

Research Project

▪ National Key Scientific Instrument and Equipment Development Project - Development and application of multi-factors intelligent weather station(2012YQ110205)

▪ Special Fund for Meteorological Research in the Public Interest – Design and application of meta-synthesis key technology of Surface Meteorological Observation (GYHY201306070)

▪ Special Fund for Meteorological Research in the Public Interest – Research of Optical rainfall sensor(GYHY201306074)

▪ Special Fund for Meteorological Research in the Public Interest - Development of Automatic Sunshine Duration Observation Equipment(GYHY201106039)

▪ Important project of Education Department of Sichuan - Research of rainfall sensor based on piezoelectric effects

▪ Project of Sichuan science and technology Plan- Design and research of development on cloud water resource in the air and the key technology of artificial weather modification

CMA. Key Laboratory of Atmospheric Sounding
No.24, Block 1, Xuefu Road, Chengdu, China, 610225
Tel:  028-85967290     E-mail: